Dr. John W. van Wert, MD
Obstetrician and Gynecologist
Dr. John W. van Wert is a board certified OB/GYN physician, practicing in the Central Florida area for 20 years. Educated at Duke University in North Carolina, Vanderbilt University Medical School in Tennessee and the University of Florida in Gainesville, Dr. van Wert excels in gynecologic surgery, especially laparoscopic surgery including laparoscopic hysterectomies. He has been named as one of Central Florida’s “Top Doctors” for years.
Dr. van Wert is married to Dr. Anne K. van Wert of Nemours Children’s Hospital and has two children. Christopher and Alexandra. Dr. van Wert enjoys multiple outdoor sports including cycling, skiing (snow and water) and running, but also loves cooking dinner for his family on a frequent basis.
After delivering babies for over 20 years, Dr. van Wert decided to take on some additional new, exciting and challenging opportunities of patient care. He added cosmetic procedures to his list of skills and, in addition to being a long-standing member of The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, is now a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and the American Association of Cosmetic Gynecologists. Dr. van Wert has been extensively trained in VASER LipoSelection, Laser and Intense Pulsed Light therapies, as well as Advanced Injectables (Botox, Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane and Cosmoplast). He continues to have a very active Gynecology and Surgery practice.
Anne K. Van Wert MD
Dr. Anne van Wert attended college at the University of Texas in Austin. She matriculated at the University of Texas Medical Branch for medical school in Galveston, TX. She completed her Pediatric training at the University of Florida in Gainesville where she met her husband, Dr John van Wert. She cared for the children of Central Florida for 30 years before deciding to join the team at Cascades Medspa.
She is certified as a BioTE method provider and is working to provide significant improvement in the quality of the lives of our patient clients by providing bioidentical hormone pellet therapy, including estrogen and testosterone, in the office along with her husband. She is an experienced physician with expertise in hormones and metabolism, with the knowledge to examine the physical and laboratory findings in our patient clients, and provide a well-crafted roadmap for overall hormonal and metabolic optimization.
Rick McCoy, LE
Medical Aesthetician and Laser Technician
Winner of the The Obagi Esthetic Achievement Award, Rick McCoy is dedicated to helping you achieve the best and finest in skin procedures and skin care available today. Rick has 15 years of experience working in the medical aesthetics field with over 40 certifications in cosmetic procedures.
Rick received training at the Florida College of Natural Health. He excels in skin physiology and anatomy and specializes in the relaxation and expert care of others personal skin needs. Certified in Microdermabrasion, Diamond brasion, Micro-current Facial Lifting, Intense Pulse Light, Chemical Peeling, Laser Hair Reduction, UltraShape, Acoustic Wave Therapy, Thermage, Fraxel, Medical Grade Facials, Acne, Acne Scaring and other in office procedures. Most procedures offer no down time and virtually are painless and all consultations are complimentary.
Terrye Ann Frey
Nurse Manager and Surgical Assistant
Terrye Ann graduated from the Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences as a Registered Nurse. She has dedicated her career to the specialty of OB/GYN nursing and has been working closely with Dr. van Wert since 2002. In addition to her many duties, she is the Nurse Manager for Premier OB/GYN, the Triage Nurse and one of the LipoSelection Nurses.
Terrye Ann has .been in Orlando since 1968, is married to Robin,and is also blessed with two sons and two grandchildren. She is passionate about spending time with family and friends, snow skiing, photography, motorcycling and traveling.
Having worked strictly in OB/GYN since her graduation from Nurse’s Training, Terrye Ann was most eager to train with Dr. van Wert when he decided to add the exciting LipoSelection procedure to our practice. She works closely with him as his Surgical Assistant in every case. Any patient who has ever called Premier OB/GYN to discuss a problem has had the pleasure of speaking with
Terrye Ann or one of our other Triage nurses. For those who have spoken with Terrye Ann, I am sure each and every one of them would tell you how pleasant, calming and reassuring she is in every situation. Cascades MedSpa at Premier OB/GYN is very proud to have Terrye Ann as part of our team.
Meet Our Team
Our goal is to provide every patient with outstanding services without sacrificing warmth or personal attention. We strive to provide the very best care for everyone who comes to our office, no matter what your procedure.